Well, preparations for the 2012 WRT are coming along quite well. The biggest surprise for me was the rate that entries arrived within the first couple of days of opening … something like 50 entrants in the first 48 hours. Granted it’s hardly Mountain Mayhem but I like to believe that bikepacking is much more selective than that ;o). At present total entries stand around 110, so it’s easy to imagine maybe 150, come the start of June.
Paul e and another singlespeed climb … WRT 2011
This years grid references are also taking shape nicely … obviously, I’m not going to give anything away here but some of them are great. This year you’ll have more riding options than ever before … if you want to get some big miles in, you can. If you want to stay off road as much as possible, it’ll be ideal and if you’d actually like to ride on a mountain then you’ll get your chance. I’m not saying anymore though, you’ll have to wait for the start of May for that.
Sounds good Stuart, looking forwards to it!